Tp qube
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Welcome to our blog, where we share the latest insights, trends, and expert advice on transfer pricing, AI-driven solutions, and the ever-evolving world of international taxation. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with TP qube’s thought leadership.
A Simplified Guide to Transfer Pricing Challenges Associated with Cash Pooling
This article introduces essential principles related to cash pool arrangements conducted within an intragroup setting.
Tool – Evaluate the risk for not updating a benchmark
This small form gathers information to have an estimate of the risk of being out of the range in the absence of update of the financials of comparable companies used in the TNMM.
How to perform a comparable company search in Africa?
This article depicts the lack of potentially comparable companies in Africa and proposes a solution to overcome this difficulty to perform transfer pricing benchmark (notably for the TNMM).
AI + TP – Automatically pre-filling rejection matrices TNMM/CPM benchmarks thanks to AI – and why human expertise will still be necessary
We unveil today a groundbreaking tool that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to perform TNMM benchmarks with an unprecedented level of efficiency and precision.
The Importance of Regular Updates for TNMM/CPM Benchmarks
We did the math! 🤓 Regular updates are crucial for TNMM / CPM benchmarks. The OECD recommends updating database searches every three years, while updating financial data annually.
A simplified guide to intragroup loans [Update 2025]
This article introduces essential principles related to loans conducted within an intragroup setting.
Which countries are likely to lose the most with the new global minimum corporate tax rate?
This article is the first part of our simplified guide on transfer pricing comparable company searches, with a focus on European searches. This guide aims at presenting the key features of comparable company searches to tax and finance professionals exposed to transfer pricing issues. This first article details why one would need a comparable company search, while the second one will tackle how to perform them.
Simplified guide to transfer pricing comparable company searches – Part 2
This article is the second part of our simplified guide on transfer pricing comparable company searches, with a focus on European searches. This guide aims at presenting the key features of comparable company searches to tax or finance professionals exposed to transfer pricing issues. The first article detailed why performing comparable company searches, while the second one tackles how to perform them in practice.
Simplified guide to transfer pricing comparable company searches – Part 1
This article is the first part of our simplified guide on transfer pricing comparable company searches, with a focus on European searches. This guide aims at presenting the key features of comparable company searches to tax and finance professionals exposed to transfer pricing issues. This first article details why one would need a comparable company search, while the second one will tackle how to perform them.
Transfer pricing in the times of COVID-19: do’s and don’ts for adjusting comparable company searches
This article emphasizes the need to update transfer prices to reflect new market conditions following the COVID-19 crisis, and in particular when relying on the TNMM/CPM method.
Proposed Framework for Foreign Comparables Selection and Adjustment – A collaboration with TPED
This article presents a research paper wrote with TPED detailing a framework for selecting and adjusting foreign comparable companies.
Response to OECD call for comments on “Secretariat Proposal for a Unified Approach under Pillar One”
Our response in collaboration with TPED aims at assisting the Secretariat in determining the research question that should be framed and answered, for the purpose of the design and determination of Amount B.
Upgrading TP benchmarks using AI techniques
TP qube has developed a wide range of tools to assist transfer pricing analysts. Our promise is that the use of artificial intelligence techniques can considerably ease the pain of performing comparable company searches and render them faster, more affordable and of higher quality.
The size of independent companies used in Transfer Pricing analyses depends on their country of origin
This post presents empirical evidence on differences between size distributions for independent manufacturing companies across European countries.
TP qube awarded by the Lefebvre Sarrut Innovation Lab!
TP qube is one of the winners of the pitch contest by the Lefebvre Sarrut Innovation Lab and Le Village by CA Paris!
Why taking company size into account is critical for Transfer Pricing comparable company searches?
We released a new working paper on “The Importance of Size in Transfer Pricing Comparable Company Searches”.
TP qube is on!
Today, we proudly launch TP qube, a company dedicated to build simple, automatized and robust Transfer Pricing tools, at reduced costs.