TNMM Benchmarks enhanced by AI
Get The Most Robust
TNMM Benchmarks thanks to Artificial Intelligence

TP qube
Combining our transfer pricing expertise with proprietary AI tools to perform exceptional TNMM benchmarks.

Thanks to our AI-powered tools, we are more efficient than traditional benchmark providers. We replace inefficient and error-prone manual work by reliable processes enhanced by artificial intelligence. Our software enables us to use more reliable sources of information, to be more accurate and consistent in the selection of comparable companies, and to automatically cross check our work. Thanks to our software, the search universe is expanded resulting in an improved selection of the comparable companies.
All our benchmarks are performed by experienced TP staff ensuring the final quality of the deliverables. We follow guidelines and recommendations of international institutions (OECD, UN) and local tax authorities.
A four-step process
1. Functional analysis
2. Selection of comparable companies
3. Arm’s length range computation
4. Results presentation

Fast Turnaround Time
We follow a straightforward process allowing us and our clients to waste no time.
We usually provide an interquartile range for selected comparable companies in 10 working days (from initial call to first results).
We guarantee on-time delivery in a pre-agreed timeframe.
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Answering your exact needs – and the demands of tax authorities!
- At the beginning of a project we discuss the most appropriate set of benchmarks to document your transfer pricing policies.
- We perform benchmarks meeting the most stringent demands of tax authorities. All the information we use is downloaded at the exact time of the search. We do not reuse any information from previous work. In the end, you can be sure that your documentation is contemporaneous and really reflects your activity.
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The perfect documentation
- Benchmark report including the detailed rejection matrix, the complete description of each selected comparable company and the arm’s length range of profitability.
- Screenshots for all companies reviewed (selected and rejected), making sure that you can defend your tax policies even in 5 years.

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Expert Support
- Our skilled team of economists and AI experts is consistently on hand to offer guidance and support during the benchmarking process.
- We are committed to empowering you to make knowledgeable decisions using our AI-powered benchmarks.
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I’m not a transfer pricing practitioner – what are we talking about?
You want to know all the basics, check our guide to comparable company searches!
For which Transfer Pricing methods are these benchmarks needed?
- Comparable company searches (also called benchmarks) are a specific transfer pricing analysis, aiming at identifying a set of independent companies comparable to the tested party.
- Transactional methods such as the TNMM (almost) always require to perform a comparable company search. The comparable company search will serve as an external reference point for the net margin of the testing party (usually performing routine functions).
- For traditional methods, comparable company searches are sometimes required, but less frequently.
- For the CPM method (the US version of the TNMM) please refer to our dedicated page.
What are the differences with benchmarks proposed elsewhere?
- Better and faster processes thanks to our algorithms trained to help the realization of comparable company searches. As a result, we propose benchmarks that meet the highest industry standards.
- We also offer detailed documentation on our search processes and comparable selection, including screenshots for all accepted and rejected companies.
Where are the benchmarks performed? By whom?
Our comparable company searches are performed in France by our transfer pricing experts, assisted by our proprietary software.
How do our algorithms work?
- Our algorithms extract the relevant information from companies’ websites, analyze it and synthesize it to help our teams during the manual review process.
- Our algorithms have been developed by artificial intelligence expert and are, according to our knowledge, unrivalled for transfer pricing analysis. They notably allow us to:
- Deeply examine websites and ensure no information has been overlooked.
- Ensure a focus on contemporary information sourced from reliable sources.
- Examine a broader and better-selected range of potentially comparable companies.
- Establish connections between websites that humans tend to miss.
- Ensure more consistent rejection criteria.
- Prevent human errors.
- Maintain a more robust audit trail.
- Challenge the selection of top companies.
- Save time for more value-added tasks, such as the final selection of comparable companies.
Which database are you using?
- We are using databases most commonly used by tax authorities such as Bureau Van Dijk databases (Orbis, Amadeus, etc.) in Europe.
- For the US CPM, we rely on the SEC data. Please refer to our dedicated page for more information.
Any other question?
Do not hesitate to contact us: It will be our pleasure to help you.
TP qube

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